Bake Your Eyelids!!!...???

Yes, ladies and gents. It is time to save some time and money by baking your eyelids. Who needs eye primer when you have this technique?! Baking your lids is a full-proof way to get ready quickly and prevent any oil from coming out and causing smudges throughout the day. People with oily skin will especially appreciate this--I've got ya covered. This is what I do when I don't really have time to apply a full eye look or if I'm trying to be simple. Also, a good eye primer is expensive as all get out and I'm a broke college student, ya feel? Still not trying to have oily eyelids though... it's not cute in my book. And the best part... this look takes 5 minutes TOPS. So, let us get started... The items above are the only things I used. There are two beauty sponges, because I'm weird. I refuse to put powder and concealer on the same beauty sponge even though it's perfectly fine to do and everyone else does it. I should also men...