The Sky is Blue
I haven't been on here in a hot minute and I probably said the same thing in my last post... But right this second I feel so inspired to share this story that actually happened within the past hour. I was a total wallflower during all of this, and it definitely had its perks. (Please get my cheesy movie reference.) I am in a three-hour long public speaking class with about 25-30 students and today, we each gave a "personal story" speech in front of the class. If you're interested, I told about the time I encountered a huge sting ray in the ocean in the Bahamas. *interrupting to say this: I get chills just thinking about how flawlessly this story fell together and that I was lucky enough to observe its happenings. So, the presentations went in order by the groups we were assigned into. This guy got up to tell the story of how he figured out that he was colorblind. His parents took him to the eye doctor and that is when they received the news. Years lat...