Simple Little Things that are sure to Get Everyone Into the Christmas Spirit

Hello, again! Wow... it has been so long, unfortunately. I was just lying in bed trying to get to sleep (it is now 3:12 in the morning) and I thought of doing this post. I have spent every year of my life being home around this holiday season, and this year I won't be able to be with my family until Christmas Eve Eve. And although this is the case, I am in the Christmas spirit this year more-so than ever! (Of course, when I should be sleeping, a million and one things are running through my mind.) I thought about the little things I've done differently this year that have caused me to feel especially joyous, so I thought I'd share these things with you. Be warned as you read, these things are very small and do not require much effort, but do not doubt their power of influence!!! So, without further or do... HOW TO FEEL THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS: 1. Light sweet/spiced holiday candles. My roommates and I ...