See a Waterfall.
Hey. Tonight, I went back to the movies with my friends. I say "went back" because this is the second time I've gone in the past three days. We saw Pitch Perf 2 and then, tonight, The Longest Ride (I think it's called). The Longest Ride was a Nick Sparks film, so of course it was the biggest fight of my LIFE holding back tears. If I would've watched it alone, I'd be rolling... In tears, not laughter. That being said, I highly recommend the movie; it's fantastic. It's weird not being on a schedule. I should be used to this, since I've done it every summer since birth I guess. Having a nonproductive day every now and then makes me slightly depressed by the time I go to bed that night. I'm sure you know the feeling. I'm looking forward to summer internships whenever that time comes. As of now, I'm only a semester into college, so I'll cut myself a break for now as far as getting one of those goes. ^I'll apologize, in advance, ...