
Good evening (it's 1:45 am).
I'll be blunt with this first post. I was lying in bed thinking up many thoughts as I tried (and, clearly, failed) to fall asleep. What on earth am I going to post up on this new blog I'm supposed to be working on?

Let me fill you in:
I had a blog before this one called The Beauty Buff where I mostly reviewed and suggested beauty products and posted makeup tutorials. I had a fair share of posts that were special to me, though. I made a list of things that make me happy, I shared my personal goals, I wrote an important post about inner beauty, and I also wrote a tribute to a friend of mine who passed away this past March.
I had blogged for a little over a year when, out of nowhere, I lost everything.
I really shouldn't say "out of nowhere," because I should've seen it coming, honestly. I didn't lose my blog over anything negative or controversial... just technical issues. And I hadn't backed anything up (v stupid). Needless to say, I was devastated. I couldn't work on retyping my posts, because I felt like it would be a lost cause; it could never be the same. So, I decided that I would eventually start a new blog when I get out of school for summer break.

So here I am.

And, back to the part where I was lying in bed thinking, I have no idea where to take this thing. And by that, I mean that I have no clue what the focus of my blog should be.

Like I said, the focus of my last blog was beauty, but I found myself enjoying writing about other things as well. I think I am going to make this blog like an online journal. Those two words "online journal" sound a little scarier with every time I read them in my head, because it seems risky to post my thoughts and feelings and opinions online for people to read.

In this past semester of college, I took a creative writing class (I can't say enough how much I LOVED that class and, yes, it is possible to miss a class). Anyway, I took note of an important tip from my teacher and that is to take risks when I write. And thus, the idea of online journaling crossed my mind and brought me to where I am today.

I don't think my writing is superior, by any means, but I do know that I enjoy doing it. Can I just say that it feels good to be typing my thoughts again. I have, very much, missed this.

Until my next post,


p.s. I've acquired a new obsession with Amy Winehouse after I stayed up late the other night watching her documentary. I know I'm a little late in the game (may she rest in peace), but that woman was good that's all I'm saying. On that note, goodnight!


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