See a Waterfall.

Tonight, I went back to the movies with my friends. I say "went back" because this is the second time I've gone in the past three days. We saw Pitch Perf 2 and then, tonight, The Longest Ride (I think it's called). The Longest Ride was a Nick Sparks film, so of course it was the biggest fight of my LIFE holding back tears. If I would've watched it alone, I'd be rolling... In tears, not laughter. That being said, I highly recommend the movie; it's fantastic.

It's weird not being on a schedule. I should be used to this, since I've done it every summer since birth I guess. Having a nonproductive day every now and then makes me slightly depressed by the time I go to bed that night. I'm sure you know the feeling. I'm looking forward to summer internships whenever that time comes. As of now, I'm only a semester into college, so I'll cut myself a break for now as far as getting one of those goes.

^I'll apologize, in advance, for jumping from topic to topic. I've heard that I'm a very random person, so I guess it's just what I do. Hope you can follow.

I've fallen in love with many things lately. One of them being waterfalls and anyone who has been around me in the past three months should know that. They're magnificent. If you've never been to one, please go. My most recent visit was with a friend and, let me tell you, I underestimated that hike. I kept saying, "It says it's strenuous online, but I promise, it'll only take like 15-20 minutes." I had gone on the hike a while back. It was short, but it was straight up the mountain. We literally climbed rocks to get there, but it was worth it, absolutely. I fought my way up to the last step, even though I don't think I could even feel my legs. I stopped at the top of the hike in awe of the falls, then proceeded to walk right up to it so that I could be doused in its mist. It was breath-taking (for what breath I had left in me). That was a special day.

These are my late night thoughts as it is now 12:57 am.

Sweet dreams, loves, I'm going to watch Netflix until my eyes dry up.



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